Third Age Trust – Upcoming online u3a events
The Third Age Trust has published a list of upcoming online events which are being organised. As a Rugby u3a member you have free access to these events.
To see the list of current events look here
Opera Plus Club (Non-u3a)
One of our members is a member of an online opera club. This used to be held in Northampton but now being online is available to a wider group. The advert below seeks to invite new members. NOTE: this has nothing to do with the upcoming October Monthly Meeting.
CDW Local Communities Newsletter July Second Edition
Please find below the second edition of the CDW community newsletter. Much of this advertises children’s summer activites, but the desperate grandparents among us may value this!! Also of note are the free computer lessons being offered by the Benn Partnership. This is a very diverse set of adverts and community information from other organisations in Rugby which may of interest. It’s worth a look through all 46 pages to see what’s out there!
CDW Rugby local community newsletter – July
Third Age Trust online events schedule
The page below gives details of the Third Age Trust’s online events. As a Rugby U3A member you can access these free events – you will need to register and book online to do so.
July Newsletter
Download the newsletter here: Newsletter Download
CDW Rugby Communities Newsletter
The latest CDW newsletter which contains an assortment of local adverts and notices for the Rugby community.
Free training and help with computers for the over-65’s – AbilityNet
Whether we like it or not, we increasingly live in a world which expects us to be computer-literate and be readily using online services. The assumed ways you are expected to access government services such as tax, pensions, and even health is via online systems, routed to either smartphones or computers.
Rugby U3A also has to rely on its members using online services because they represent the only economic way of communicating with its members, and yet many of our members are inexperienced online users at a time when such services are ecoming increasingly complex.
Many organisations have recognised there is a need to assist people, and in our case specifically those with our member’s age profile, there are funded schemes aimed at assisting. The organisation below offers free training and support and will even run organised courses for groups.
Abilitynet is funded by BT to provide a range of training, including for the over-65’s and offer a range of free instruction packs. They even organise home visits via a team of volunteeers.
Does anyone wish to take this up and in particular does anyone feel they might co-ordinate such services for our U3A – in effect being a Group Leader? Since computer training is provided, this would not be a necessary skill. Please contact a committee member if you are interested.
David Daniel – Treasurer